Make Money Online From Home by Writing Articles
It isn’t easy to make money online from home but writing articles can provide many benefits to home business owners. In this article I will summarize some of the most valuable benefits of article writing.
1. Backlinks act like bait and will attract the search engines. You build backlinks by submitting an article to an article directory or social directory.
Your articles can be picked up and published on other people’s websites. You never know exactly where your article will end up.
Search engines love to find backlinks in your resource box or in the body of the article if it’s allowed. When done correctly these backlinks can provide you with lots of free traffic and allow you to make money online from home for many years.
2. To build a profitable business you obviously need customers and therefore it is vitally important that people are able to find you. They can do this via your resource box. Resource boxes are where you get to tell a little bit about yourself, your business, or your product.
For the most part articles submitted to directories online are not allowed to do any type of promotion in the body of the article. That is why the resource box is so important.
You can drive traffic directly to your website by having a link to your website URL in your resource box. You can also use your resource box to promote a landing page which many Internet marketers do when working on building their email opt in list. Your opt-in list will become a very important asset in the future and will help you to ensure that you can make money online from home.
3. Articles provide valuable unique content for blogs. Using your blog as a way to help you connect with your readers will help you build your business.
Blogs are a form of social media and they need to be updated on a regular basis with unique content. You can write articles and post them in your blog to provide this content.
The articles do not have to be any certain length and many bloggers will write short articles around targeted keyword phrases. This allows them to increase the number of blog articles they have which lets them cover more subjects and increase their traffic and the amount of money they are able to make online from home.
4. You can use your articles to help you build informative web pages. Some people think you have to be a copywriter to effectively write a web page.
There certainly is value in having effective copy when you are creating a sales page, however many Internet marketers create web pages from their articles and use them strictly as information.
Many also write review articles and use those as a presale web page for affiliate products. This is a great strategy to warm your prospect up before sending them through to your sales page. You will find it much easier to make money online from home if you have built up a good relationship with your potential customer before you try to sell them anything.
5. Article marketing is a tried, tested and proven Internet marketing tool. Writing and submitting articles to article directories is something anyone can do.
The key is to try and provide as much unique content as possible for each directory. The other important point is to get into the most popular directories where your articles can be seen. When you do this you are using your articles as a marketing tool and the only cost is the time it takes you to write them.
6. There are many things to learn if you want to make money online from home but article writing is something that most people find relatively easy to do. If you can talk you can probably write an article. It is a skill that can be improved over time as well. The more articles you write, the better you will get, the more backlinks you will build and the more money you will make.
There are many good quality online tools that you can use to check your spelling and grammar. If you are still not comfortable you can even hire a proofreader or a freelance writer to write your articles for you.
7. You can also write articles for email newsletters known as ezines. Getting an article picked up by an ezine publisher can be a very profitable source of long-term traffic.
You can submit your articles directly to the ezines and increase the chances of being published. Many publishers will also search the top article directories for content that they can publish and they might pick one of yours.
In summary, there are many important benefits to be gained from article marketing. It is an invaluable tool, which all Internet marketers should incorporate into their efforts to successfully make money online from home. In a world of high cost online advertising, article writing costs only a little time and effort from which you will receive long term rewards.